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    Local 512

    March 22, 2025

    My 512 family,

    You may have heard recently that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) terminated the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the AFGE Union, representing the TSA’s 45,000 employees. The DHS justified this action by stating that the existing agreement hindered workforce productivity and flexibility, including sickness, bereavement, and parental leave.

    Question: How will this affect private-sector unions? Great question. The ripple effect could extend into the private sector if their CBA is dissolved or weakened. This could set a precedent and signal a broader shift in labor policy. 

    This action could influence the legislative body groups to push for laws restricting union power in the private sector. If courts uphold legal challenges to TSA bargaining rights, similar legal reasoning could be applied to cases in the private sector, weakening union protections more broadly.

    The ripple effects have started in many union negotiations, which are slowing down—a case in point is the United Airlines negotiations with the Machinist Union. The company wants to focus on dictating where and when you work, bypassing seniority in their talks. 

    We live in a time when we must be collectively strong and remain organized. Fighting back is not just an option; it is the only option.

    This is an update on the class action lawsuit against the American Airlines Retiree Committee. The suit concerns the committee's use of an old mortality table to calculate joint and surviving pension benefits. The mortality table predicts how long members and their spouses will live to account for the likelihood of each future benefit payment. The old mortality table was used even though participants lived longer. Recently, the court granted the company a motion to move the proceedings to Texas. 

    O’Hare Airport CDA construction update, effective Tuesday, April 1, 2025. The City will close taxiways A and B for forty-five days. It will also include a service roadway from L12 to M6. The Local continues to discuss how it will affect the movement of bags from the T5 bagroom. 

    Lessons are due by March 25, 2025; please complete them to avoid issues. 

    Our weekly meeting with management documented a few observations regarding local bag premiums. We have observed many misidentified premiums and will continue to monitor this issue. Once again, we requested an update on crew rooms and equipment at the L terminal for the new bid. The company made 155 job offers at a recent job fair and will soon have 120 full-time employees reporting. 

    We all know the job can get busy, and it’s tempting to find quicker ways to get things done. At times, management tends to look the other way. But in this line of work, shortcuts don’t just impact quality – they can put safety at risk.  And when that happens, it’s not just your job on the line. – it’s people. 

    Sincerely and fraternally,

    Juan Elvira 

    President – TWU Local 512


    Dear TWU Local 512 Family, It is with a heavy heart that we acknowledge the tragic loss of an American Airlines PSA aircraft with 60 passengers and four crew members in the Washington, D.C., airport. During this devastating time, we pray with the passengers, crew members, and their loved ones. As a union family, we stand together in mourning and solidarity.

    A line of workers extended through the tarmac at Charlotte Douglas Monday morning. Employees showing their respect after one of their own was killed. According to Charlotte-Douglas officials, an American Airlines employee died around 9:30AM on Monday. Wilmington native, Kevin Ullman, watched the tragedy unfold from his seat.

       Josh Hawley Shows No Mercy To Airline Execs Over Fees And 'Terrible' Flights


                                                       American Airlines Grows in Chicago: A New Come Back            


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TWU Local 512
650 E Devon Ave., Suite 170
Itasca, IL 60143

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