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    Local 512

    February 8, 2025

    My fellow 512 family,

    According to news reports, United Airlines has requested additional gate space from the Chicago Department of Aviation (ORD). They want to take over six additional gates at the facility and the 88 gates they currently use. United operates roughly 52% of departing flights from ORD. Due to the increased flight market share, they are activating a clause in their lease agreement with the airport.

    American Airlines at Chicago (ORD) will increase its footprint to pre-COVID levels. In the spring bid, they will add additional gates to the L terminal and have started constructing two large crew-ready rooms. Along with our weekly meeting with management, the union requested that a BX driver be added to the bid to move OA to T5 bags. This was out of concern for the increased traffic between the terminal and T5. 

    The TWU/IAM Association was advised that due to the recent wage increases with the Maintenance and Related and Material Logistics Specialist Agreements, the Company will discontinue using Flex Rates for current flex stations, with Chicago (ORD) being part of one.

    Any new hire M&R or Related employee, brought onto payroll after January 27, 2025, at any station or in any classification, will be placed on step 0-1 of the pay scale. 

    Our Facility Maintenance and GSE Quarterly meeting will be held on February 19, 2025. TWU International FM/GSE Bill Clark and TWU International M&R Rep Rollie Reaves will attend our meeting. Times will be emailed and posted soon. 

    Safety Minute: Push-out drivers, when communicating with the captain at departure time, please leave the deicing communication to the tower if the aircraft is taxiing to the deicing pad. Before you push, if you find ice or any questionable contamination, follow the procedures and call deicing directly. If you have any additional questions, please get in touch with our safety stewards. 

    You have until Friday, February 14, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. CT, to review and set your special election 401K contribution percentages. The profit-sharing payout is scheduled for February 26, 2025. 

    TWU Local 512 will join the Chicago Federation of Labor in participating in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 15, 2025, at 12:15 p.m. If you are off and would like to join us with your family, please sign up at the field office.

    As always, if you have any safety, operational, admin, or attendance issues, please contact your union officers, stewards, or the field office. 

    Sincerely and fraternally,

    Juan Elvira

    President – TWU Local 512


    Dear TWU Local 512 Family, It is with a heavy heart that we acknowledge the tragic loss of an American Airlines PSA aircraft with 60 passengers and four crew members in the Washington, D.C., airport. During this devastating time, we pray with the passengers, crew members, and their loved ones. As a union family, we stand together in mourning and solidarity.

    A line of workers extended through the tarmac at Charlotte Douglas Monday morning. Employees showing their respect after one of their own was killed. According to Charlotte-Douglas officials, an American Airlines employee died around 9:30AM on Monday. Wilmington native, Kevin Ullman, watched the tragedy unfold from his seat.

       Josh Hawley Shows No Mercy To Airline Execs Over Fees And 'Terrible' Flights


                   How American Airlines’ maintenance crew preps for holiday travel


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TWU Local 512
650 E Devon Ave., Suite 170
Itasca, IL 60143

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