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Extreme Temperatures: SAFETY REMINDERS Chock Equipment! Closing All Cargo Doors.
L10 is a shared gate between Mainline and Regional aircraft.  When L10 is used for Mainline aircraft, there is a broken safety clearance line on the First Officers side of the aircraft on L10.   Before the aircraft comes to the gate, please ensure that all equipment, including the L10C jetbridge is outside of the broken safety clearance lines.
Ramp Alert November - L10 Safety Clearance lines.pdf
Wi-Fi Radome Deicing Details The vents on the upper fuselage Wi-Fi radome are very sensitive to deicing fluid contamination and are to be treated similar to other vents on the aircraft. Deicing fluid entering the radome assembly can severely degrade the interior components of the Gogo Wi-Fi antenna and the system could cease to operate.
WOA 18-1 WiFi Radome Deicing 110618.pdf
What are the types of distraction? There are three main types of distraction: Visual: taking your eyes off the road; Manual: taking your hands off the wheel; and Cognitive: taking your mind off of driving.2 Distracted driving activities Anything that takes your attention away from driving can be a distraction.
Unfortunately, we had a new employee this week in LAX, get his foot crushed using a fueling stand to access a cargo compartment of an A321. The stand belongs to Swissport contract vendor and was not AAs equipment. I haven’t received any other details.
Injury Alert 091218.pptx
Catering Truck Struck Aircraft Wing STATION: MBJ INCIDENT DATE:  JUL. 07, 2018   A driver backed away a catering vehicle from the aircraft without a guide person. The driver could not see behind him and hit the aircraft causing damage to the wing.  ALWAYS use a guide person when backing away a catering truck from the aircraft.
DA18-07 Catering truck struck wing.pdf
Distractions While Driving   Two electric tugs made contact because one of the drivers was distracted. While in the process of delivering bags the employee’s attention was diverted by reviewing their T-link 2 device. As a result, they turned to the left and made contact with the driver’s side of the oncoming tug.
SA18-09 Safety Alert- Distractions While Driving.pdf
Hot Liquid Down The Drain Mast Exercise caution while working and walking around the drain mast located at the back of the aircraft.  There have been recent incidents of hot liquids being discarded through the drain masts of the aircraft while parked at the gate putting our ground personnel at risk for injury.
SA18-07 Safety Bulletin Hot Liquids Down a Drain Mast.pdf
Fuselage Struck by Jetbridge STATION: CLT INCIDENT DATE:  JUL. 01, 2018 When the agent was adjusting the jetbridge, the  spacer struck the aircraft.  The agent thought the jetbridge wheels were correctly positioned but were actually rotated 180 degrees. The agent intended to back up the jetbridge but instead moved forward striking the aircraft.
DA18-06 Jetbridge struck fuselage
fuel truck hit wingtip
tow fitting damage.pdf
It was brought to our attention that last week some Fleet Service Clerks and/or Crew Chiefs were directed to chock jetbridges. We only received some details about the who, what where and when but we are confident this did happen.
Remember, SAFETY is everyone’s responsibility. Here are some Winter Safety Tips  from your ORD Safety Team: •    USE CAUTION in the employee parking lot and when entering and exiting the employee bus!   •    Use handrails whenever possible! •    Be aware of slippery surfaces especially on work stands and ladders.
Safe winter driving tips1.docx
SAFETY ADVISORY 2013-04 - AIRCRAFT TOWBAR SHEAR BOLT MAINTENANCE REMINDER - ALL LOCATIONS - IN SOURCE AND OUTSOURCE Recent aircraft incidents involving towbars have raised concerns with regard to maintenance.
2013 04 Towbar Shear Bolt.pdf
Unless the vehicle operator is in the drivers seat, the engine MUST be shut off.
Drive safe, wear your seatbelt, at home and at work.
11x17 seatbelt poster final-1.pdf
ARS1309 Ramp Safety Stops The Ramp Safety Stop Policy has changed.  Please read the attached bulletin.
ARS1309 Ramp Safety Stops.pdf
Safety update regarding Safety Envelopes for Airbus and 737's. Please read.
Safety Envelopes.pdf
To help lessen your chances of suffering from any of the conditions brought about by heat stress, practice the following when possible: Wear loose-fitting, light-colored, breathable clothing such as cotton. Start out gradually and build up to your optimum work level. Take frequent breaks when working in heavy heat or humidity. A cool, shaded area is best.
Heat Stress - Tips-1.pdf
Safety stops: The company is the process of changing the distances for safety steps that are required when working live aircraft. In usual AA fashion no two groups can agree on how to roll this out to employees. While the Line Cargo Manual has been changed, there has been little, if any, communication with front line employees.
Tractor safety advisory: The company has issued this safety bulletin for all the refurbished gas tractors from STL. It explains the refurbishment project and goes over operator responsibilities. If you're driving one of these tractors and the overheat light comes on, IMMEDIATELY SHUT THE TRACTOR OFF, GET OUT AND WALK TO THE BACK OF THE TRACTOR.
FSC Ramp advisory_Tractor 2_ 6-13-13.docx
On December 12, 2012 Secretary Treasurer Hagn attended the closing conference with OSHA regarding the tractor overheating issue that seriously injured a Title III FSC in ORD. The investigation revealed one of the contributing factors linked to the overheating issue was the manual adjustment to increase the speed of the tractor and increasing RPM’s.

Page Last Updated: Jan 22, 2020 (08:33:51)
TWU Local 512
650 E Devon Ave., Suite 170
Itasca, IL 60143

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